Who we are

Building Businesses, Enterprises and Organisations that Do Good

We are a multi-disciplinary pool of practitioners, professionals and experts who collectively contribute experiences and expertise in the fields of social, community and civic impact. We strive to drive Social innovation and impact by developing and deploying effective solutions to challenging and systemic social, cultural, economic issues faced by individuals and groups who require assistance.


Russ Neu

Aldrin Tee

Vasanth Sankaran

Roy Lai

Dr Colin Gan


Plant a Forest of Ideas

Itching to do something meaningful? Find a mentor, hang out with like-minded people or engage in social projects!

The Center For Learning

Developing people and organisations. Life-long learning for Subject Matter Mastery, Excellence and Self-Actualisation.

Social Collider

An aggregator of resources for social enterprises and impact organisations through upskilling, networking and business opportunities


Reach out to your customers or prospective employers with our extensive suite of Creative Design and up-to-date Marketing services.


Driving Social innovation: To develop and deploy effective solutions to challenging and systemic social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.


Teach a Man to Fish

Developing people and organisations. Life-long learning for Subject Matter Mastery, Excellence and Self-Actualisation.

Omphalos Life

Slow living , Sustainable & Quality of Life via healthcare and well-being, education and learning, accessible emergency and responsive services.


Founded in 1972, The Singapore Training and Development Association is the pioneering and longest serving association of training professionals who are passionate to learn and grow together.

Tanda Creativ.es

Making beautiful, sustainable, inclusive, accessible and SMART homes, schools and work spaces a reality.